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Speaker Joaquim Guilhoto - Linking Environment and Economy, Contributions of Input-Output Analysis

Event Type
Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies
Coble Hall-Room 306 - Food will be provided.
Apr 23, 2024   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Dr. Joaquim Guilhoto, Senior Economist at The International Monetary Fund
Originating Calendar
ACE Seminars

Nobel laureate Wassily Leontief introduced input-output (I-O) models in the 1930s as a decision-making tool, providing a comprehensive understanding of economic processes such as production, income generation and consumption. These models go beyond economic applications and are valuable in environmental studies by linking economic and environmental variables.  The presentation begins by describing the fundamental aspects of input-output theory and its relevance to environmental concerns.  It then provides a detailed but non-exhaustive exploration of various applications of input-output models in environmental modeling, addressing limitations and suggesting potential extensions of the model.  The presentation concludes by providing an overview of the future direction of input-output models in the field of environmental analysis.
Prof. Joaquim J.M. Guilhoto is a senior economist at the IMF. Before joining the IMF, he worked at the OECD and as a Professor of Economics at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. He has also held visiting professorships at MIT, the University of Illinois, Paris-Dauphine University, and the University of Lisbon. He specializes in applying input-output analysis to environmental analysis and sustainable development. He has published over 300 papers and supervised over 35 Ph.D. and master's students.  He is the recipient of the Werner Baer Award.

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