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IMMERSE Seminar: Robb Lindgren, "Cultivating Learning with XR Technologies: Immersion, Embodiment, and Perspective-Taking"

Event Type
IMMERSE: Center for Immersive Computing
Siebel School of Computing and Data Science 2405
Mar 13, 2025   4:00 pm  
James Planey
Originating Calendar
IMMERSE Seminar Series

Cultivating Learning with XR Technologies: Immersion, Embodiment, and Perspective-Taking

Speakers: Robb Lindgren

Abstract: In this talk I will describe empirical work from the Embodied and Immersive Technologies (EmIT) Lab demonstrating the impact of XR technologies on both individual and collaborative learning in STEM domains. Design principles for the development of educational XR technologies will be presented along with examples from lab-built simulations. I will discuss our approach to assessing learning in these novel learning environments, and I will describe new work that integrates haptics and neuroimaging.  

Bio: Dr. Robb Lindgren is a Professor of Educational Psychology and Curriculum & Instruction whose research focuses on how people learn with interactive and immersive digital technologies. He has affiliate appointments at the Beckman Institute, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), the Informatics program in the iSchool, the Center for Social & Behavioral Science (CSBS), and the Computers and Education program in the Grainger College of Engineering. Dr. Lindgren teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses pertaining to the design of digital learning environments, theories of learning and interactivity, and methods for conducting research on how people learn through their interactions with emerging technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality.

Refreshments Provided. This seminar will be streamed and recorded via Zoom for remote attendees.


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