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XR for Learning and Instruction: Advancing Design and Assessment

Event Type
IMMERSE: Center for Immersive Computing, College of Education
College of Education Room 22, 1310 S 6th St, Champaign, IL
Mar 28, 2025   1:00 - 3:00 pm  
Originating Calendar

The Bureau of Educational Research (BER) and IMMERSE Center for Immersive Computing invite you to a joint event on challenges and opportunities around designing and assessing immersive environments for education. Immersive environments include, but are not limited to, virtual, augmented, and mixed reality (collectively referred to as extended reality or XR).

This event aims to identify strategies that support XR-enhanced learning, especially as it relates to design and assessment, as well as explore new contexts for the application of these technologies. Attendees will have a chance to learn about existing projects on our campus and discuss potential for synergies and collaborations. The program includes lighting talks, a panel discussion with faculty collaborating around XR learning and assessment, and time for informal networking and ideation.

Interested researchers will have an opportunity to further discuss possible collaborations to advance educational initiatives around XR enhanced learning on April 29-20 at the IMMERSE annual symposium.

Agenda (all times are in CT):

Welcome:  1:00 - 1:10pm

IMMERSE and College of Education Leadership

22 Education Building

Lightning Talks: 1:10 - 2:00pm

22 Education Building

Panel Discussion: 2:00 - 2:40pm

Facilitator: Robb Lindgren - Educational Psychology; IMMERSE contextual factors theme lead

  • Cherie Avent
    • Educational Psychology, Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology; Measurement and Evaluation (QUERIES)
  • Dan Cermak
    • Information Sciences, stu/dio; IMMERSE application ecosystems theme lead
  • Melissa Goodnight
    • Educational Psychology, Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology; Measurement and Evaluation (QUERIES)
  • David Huang
    • Education Policy, Organization and Leadership 
  • Liam Magee
    • Education Policy, Organization and Leadership 
  • Laura Shackelford
    • Anthropology (VRchaeology lab); Carle Illinois College of Medicine; IMMERSE education theme co-lead

22 Education Building

Networking Session: 2:40 - 3:00pm

O'Leary Learning Center, Education Building

The event is free but requires registrationRefreshments will be served.

We have limited spaces for lightning talk submissions, if you are interested in sharing your related work please indicate your interest during registration and a member of the IMMERSE team will contact you. For lightning talk proposals, please register by March 21st for full consideration.

The event is free but requires registrationRefreshments will be served.

Register Here

We look forward to seeing you,

The IMMERSE leadership team

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