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A resource theory of quantum communication based on port-based teleportation
Abstract: In this talk, we introduce quantum resource theories (QRT) of quantum communications based on port-based teleportation (PBT). In PBT, a shared entangled state is used to generate a quantum channel using one-way classical communication and the simplest possible decoding process of merely discarding subsystems. We consider three different QRT's of PBT protocols with different restriction to the decoding process: discarding subsystems, arbitrary classical state preparation, and arbitrary quantum state preparation. We discuss separations among the optimal entanglement fidelities of quantum channels implemented via different PBT protocols, focusing in particular on protocols using graph states as the resource state.
Bio: Chloe Kim is a 5th year ECE graduate student advised by Eric Chitambar and Felix Leditzky researching in quantum information theory and quantum error correction.