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CAPS Seminar: Camber: the cloud platform made for research

Event Type
Center for AstroPhysical Surveys
NCSA - 1205 W Clark St, Urbana - RM 1040
wifi event
Sep 13, 2024   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Dr. Aristotle Socrates
Originating Calendar
Center for AstroPhysical Surveys

Speaker: Dr. Aristotle Socrates
Date/Time: September 13, 2024 / 12 noon central.
Location: NCSA, 1040.
Title: Camber: the cloud platform made for research
Abstract: The last decade witnessed an explosion of cloud technology in the tech sector. Dominated by a few key players (e.g., AWS), their managed infrastructure products allow even small teams of software developers to create powerful web applications for consumers and businesses. Furthermore, an ever increasing number of cloud-centric open source frameworks have been adopted in the technology sector,  further accelerating both the utility and the adoption of the cloud. 

As a platform, Camber brings the benefits of cloud computing to researchers in a way that is easy to use, collaborative, accessible and cost-effective. With a pythonic interface, you can spin up MPI clusters for simulations, Apache Spark for big data analysis as well as several managed science engines to run popular science libraries on distributed computing infrastructure. In addition, our managed version of cloud object store allows for teams to collaboratively efficiently use big data tooling.

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