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Conformally invariant charge fluctuations in a strange metal
Abstract: The strange metal phase characterized by T-linear resistivity is thought to be linked to Planckian dissipation, a fundamental limit on the degree of quantum entanglement possible in a many-body system. The key feature is the universal scattering rate that relies only on fundamental constants and is not related to material properties. In this talk, I will share our new measurements of charge dynamic fluctuations on the strange metal Bi2.1Sr1.9CaCu2O8+x. The dynamics are relaxational and exhibit scale invariance, indicating the only relevant energy scale is the temperature. Additionally, our data show conformal invariance, suggesting the dynamics live on abstract circle in imaginary time with a radius defined by 1/T.
Student Bio: Xuefei Guo is a 6th year physics graduate student working for Peter Abbamonte researching momentum-resolved EELS studies of collective excitations in materials.