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Quantum Metrology in a 171Yb Atom Array
Abstract: Recent progress in neutral atom arrays has demonstrated promising prospects in advancing quantum information science. In particular, developments of optical tweezer clocks with alkaline-earth atoms, such as Yb and Sr, present new opportunities in quantum metrology. In this talk, I will summarize proposals for the operation of a Heisenberg-limited atomic clock, as well as the current state-of-the-art efforts in operating an atomic clock beyond the laser coherence and below the standard quantum limit. Finally, I will present the ongoing work in the Covey Lab on the making and control of a 171Yb atom array, and our efforts in creating a "dual-species" tweezer clock with interrogation time beyond the laser coherence through mid-circuit operations.
Bio: 3rd-year graduate student in the Department of Physics working at the Covey Lab