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Pat Scannon (Project Recover Co-Founder) & Derek Abbey (CEO of Project Recover), "The Use of Robotics & Computer Vision in the Discovery of Underwater Aircraft Wrecks"

Event Type
Illinois Computer Science
2405 Siebel Center
Mar 1, 2022   9:00 - 10:30 am  
Originating Calendar
Computer Science Speakers Calendar

Abstract:  The session will start with an introductory background talk that will describe how Project Recover use underwater robotics and sensing technologies in the discovery of underwater aircraft wrecks with the goal to bring closure to MIA (missing in action) families. They will also describe challenges, such as how they could benefit from computer vision solutions to some of their current problem areas, and opportunites to deploy novel forms of sensor technology using drones and other robotics platforms. This will form the basis for the exploration of opportuniites for collaboration.

link for robots only