Towards single-photon nonlinearity in photonic integrated circuits
Abstract; Integrated quantum photonic circuits, utilizing weak bulk optical nonlinearities, are typically operated in the parametric regime for quantum light sources and “linear” quantum optical information processing. Realizing single-photon nonlinearity without quantum emitters will be game-changing and enable transcending quantum information capabilities including QND measurement of photons. Based on an integrated photonic platform with a record-high nonlinearity-to-loss ratio and new quantum optical protocols, I will describe our recent work towards this goal. Besides the experiment for photon-photon interaction, the same photonic platform also leads to new means for probing photon-phonon interaction and correlations.
Biography: Kejie Fang received BS in physics from Peking University and PhD in physics from Stanford University. He then worked in Caltech as a postdoctoral researcher. He is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research focus is in quantum photonics and optomechanics. He is selected for NSF CAREER Award and DARPA Young Faculty Award.
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