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S'24 Faculty Workshop Series on Teaching & Learning, wksp #2: A Reflective Teaching Philosophy Statement for Promotion and Tenure

Event Type
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL)
Room 182, Armory Building (east side of the building)
Feb 14, 2024   11:30 am - 1:00 pm  
Cheelan Bo-Linn (CITL)
No cost for joining the faculty learning community.
Registration is required. Please click here to register
Cheelan Bo-Linn
Originating Calendar
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

Faculty Seminar Series on Teaching & Learning

Theme: "Outstanding teachers... know what and how their students learn"

 “they achieved remarkable success in helping their students learn in ways that made a sustained, sustainable, and positive influence on how those students think, act, and feel.” 

K. Bain, What the best college teachers do

 Click here for the Flyer

You are invited to join a dynamic learning community by participating in this specially designed workshop series for all faculty (across all disciplines and rank). We’ll share strategies and best practices from research-based pedagogy. Come and meet new colleagues. Great conversations and handouts guaranteed.

Session 2: A Reflective Teaching Philosophy Statement for Promotion and Tenure  

On our campus, faculty submit a teaching statement as part of the promotion and tenure packet and for the annual review in many of the departments, in addition for teaching awards and grant proposals. A teaching statement that accurately describes and documents your teaching, in addition, to your philosophy, can promote reflection and new approaches for teaching, and… document your efforts. We will share the characteristics of unique effective teaching statements and the most common areas where typical teaching statements can be improved. We will also share with you the most recent proposed changes to Comm #9. You will leave the workshop with a beginning of a more effective document. 

This interactive workshop will be helpful to those who want to begin or revise their teaching philosophy statements for their annual reviews and P&T portfolios. This session is targeted for faculty, but open to all. Resources and handouts provided.  

*This workshop counts towards completion of any of CITL's Teaching Certificates. To learn more about our Teaching Certificate program please visit



Please mark these dates on your calendar

Wed, Feb. 7, 2024         Session 1:  Informal (IEF) & Formal (ICES) Student Feedback to Improve Teaching & Learning: “I wish I had known that earlier”

Wed, Feb. 14, 2024       Session 2: A Reflective Teaching Philosophy Statement for Promotion and Tenure

Wed, Feb. 21, 2024       Session 3: Opening the Classroom Door: Join Us for Opportunities to Observe Exemplary         Teachers (Introductory Session).  NOTE TIME: 10:00 - 11:00 am

Wed, Feb. 21, 2024       Session 4: The Art of the Enhanced Lecture (Part II)  Active Teaching = Active Engaged Learning by Our Students

Wed, Feb. 28, 2024       Session 5: Strategies for Helping Students Learn How to Learn Better

Thurs, Feb. 29, 2024      Annual Faculty Retreat "The Evolving, Engaged Learner in a Digital World” Note Time: 8:30 am – 2:30 pm

Wed, March 6, 2024      Session 6: Develop Effective Assessments of Student Learning: Tests, Exams, & Rubrics


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