F&S Training Calendar

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Welcome to the Facilities & Services Training Calendar. The training provided here represents a broad spectrum of topics that have been vetted and determined to be relevant to professionals in F&S. If you are aware of additional training to be added here, please contact Doni Walker, Associate Director of Inclusion and Organizational Development, at dewalke@illinois.edu.

Monthly Safety Training

Required monthly safety training sessions are sent to staff directly through the Grainger Learning Management System (GLMS). The GLMS platform allows employees to see their specific training dashboard as well as gives supervisory staff an enhanced way to track and record engagement and completion.

Staff will see emails from alerts_graingerlms@icertainty.com when new trainings are available. You can access GLMS and assigned training at fands.icertainty.com using your netID and password.

For questions regarding monthly safety training, please contact Safety & Compliance at oshs@illinois.edu.

How to Use PowerPoint and AI to Create Better Presentations, Faster

Event Type
Professional Development
Aug 7, 2024   2:00 pm  
Richard Goring
LaToya Branch

PowerPoint is used for so many different things, from reports to infographics, posters to videos, and even, sometimes, presentations. Despite its prevalence, PowerPoint is rarely loved, with people struggling to achieve what they want in the time that they have. AI is promising to revolutionize so many areas of our lives, especially as a tool to help with everyday tasks. But what about in PowerPoint?

This session looks at how AI is being incorporated into PowerPoint to help you do more in less time. We’ll look at some of the large, global tools that are available, most notably Microsoft’s Copilot AI, and how that can help you through the content creation process. From drafting stories and summarizing content to building out slides and where it might go in the future with design and visual storytelling. We’ll see some of the other areas that Microsoft is pushing with Copilot and consider how that might impact PowerPoint either directly or indirectly. We’ll also look at some more specific AI tools that help you achieve particular outcomes. Some of these tools are external to Microsoft, focusing on custom libraries and branding. Others offer niche functionality that either expands or significantly enhances the capabilities you get in PowerPoint. Yet more are already built into PowerPoint but are typically hidden away, so we’ll uncover those tools and see how you can get more out of what you already have.

It’s an interesting time as there are so many different potential applications of AI in our everyday lives, but it’s all so new and fairly clear that the tech companies are still figuring it all out. In addition to the various tools that are available to you, we’ll be looking at the things that you can do now and try to apply them to the real-world tasks that you have to do every day. Almost all of this session will be live a demo, so you’ll have the opportunity to explore what might be possible and the impact it could have on your workflow. Will it be that we’re all bowing down to our robot overlords by the end of the session? Or will it, as I suspect, be a case of seeing these tools as something to help us overcome the tedium of most PowerPoint projects, and help bring a bit more joy and creativity to the process? Or at least, how PowerPoint and AI can save you some very valuable time.

Attendees will learn:                            

  • Some of the AI tools available to support presentation development.
  • How to create presentations more quickly and easily using PowerPoint and AI.
  • Additional capabilities that are available in PowerPoint with AI.
  • Ideas for sharing stories with your audience in an engaging and effective way.
  • What might be next and what to look out for.

External Training Offerings

Many of the training sessions are offered outside of F&S so the registration links will take you directly to the website that is offering the training. After attending the training, come back here and click the link below to help us track participation and gather your opinion about the training you attended. Your feedback is appreciated.


Additional Training Resources







link for robots only