Illinois Global Institute

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Welcome to the calendar of the Illinois Global Institute. We are home to 10 longstanding international area studies centers and thematic programs. Bringing the units together as part of the IGI will improve organizational support, raise visibility, and foster additional cross-campus collaboration on essential international programs

Event Information

Art as Transformation: Using Photography for Social Change by Latoya Ruby Frazier

Event Type
School of Art and Design, College of Fine and Applied Arts, School of Labor and Employment Relations, Labor Education Program, Climate Jobs Institute, Humanities Research Institute, Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity
Plym Auditorium, Temple Buell Hall
Mar 26, 2025   5:00 - 6:00 pm  
Latoya Ruby Frazier
Emily Labarbera-Twarog
Originating Calendar
Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity

Art as Transformation: Using Photography for Social Change by Latoya Ruby Frazier 

LaToya Ruby Frazier’s artistic practice spans a range of media, including photography, video, performance, installation art and books, and centers on the nexus of social justice, cultural change, and commentary on the American experience. In various interconnected bodies of work, Frazier uses collaborative storytelling with the people who appear in her artwork to address topics of industrialism, Rust Belt revitalization, environmental justice, access to healthcare, access to clean water, Workers’ Rights, Human Rights, family, and communal history.

* Reception to follow in the Link Gallery, School of Art and Design 

link for robots only