Illinois Global Institute

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Welcome to the calendar of the Illinois Global Institute. We are home to 10 longstanding international area studies centers and thematic programs. Bringing the units together as part of the IGI will improve organizational support, raise visibility, and foster additional cross-campus collaboration on essential international programs

Event Information

Brazilian Women Defenders of the Amazon: Virtual Talk

Event Type
CLACS, NRES, CGS, GWS, Department of Anthropology, Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies, ACES, CSGGE (formerly known as WGGP)
wifi event
Feb 27, 2025   3:00 - 4:30 pm  
Laiane Santos, Bruna Picanco Neves
Manuela Quijano Hoyos
Originating Calendar
Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity

Brazilian Women Defenders of the Amazon: Virtual Talk

The Brazilian social leaders will share their experiences in protecting the Amazon, the challenges they face, and the context in which they live. 

February 27, 2025 | 3 -4:30 pm CST | Zoom

Virtual Meeting with simultaneous translation


Laiane Santos. Laiane is a young environmental activist, feminist, and human rights defender from Brasileia, Acre. She is involved in multiple initiatives, including serving as a communicator for the Rural Workers' Union, training secretary at CUT, a volunteer at the Chico Mendes Committee, and the president of the Varadouro Collective. Her work aims to drive social and environmental change, ensuring access to knowledge and a dignified life for all. She sees herself as a voice for those fighting for a more just world and the preservation of the forest. 

Bruna Picanco Neves. 

Bruna is a young woman involved in the Rural Education Movement and the Quilombola Movement in the state of Amapa, Brazil. She is a trained Agricultural Technician, holds a degree in Agricultural Sciences, and is currently pursuing a master's in Education at PPGEDĀ­ UNIFAP. She works at the Pacuf Agricultural Family School (EFAP), supporting young people, men and women from rural, riverside, and forest communities in the Amazon. Additionally, she is an active leader in her community. 


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