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Yerima Roundtable Flyer

Roundtable: Films Everywhere, Theatre Somewhere? Musings on the direction of theatre in the postcolony through the works of Prof. Ahmed Yerima

Event Type
Graduate Research Clinic, National Troupe of Nigeria, National Theatre Nigeria, Duke of Shomolu Productions, Dept of Theatre Arts and Film Studies Redeemer's University
wifi event
Jul 26, 2024   10:00 am  
Ahmed Parker Yerima, Ngozi Udengwu, Rantimi Jays Julius-Adeoye, Joseph Edgar, Emmanuel Adejumo
Tobi Adewunmi
Originating Calendar
Center for African studies - Outreach Calendar

Critical discourse on the evolving landscape of theatre and its relationship with film in postcolonial Africa - one that centers the lived experiences of African theatre scholars and practitioners - is long overdue. Are traditional theatre spaces becoming obsolete? Or is there still a place for them in our digital age? How should budding theater and performing arts scholars, practitioners, critics, policymakers and even enthusiasts deconstruct, decolonize and de-provincialize cultural representations of Africa in cinemas and artistic performances?

Join the conversation, let’s explore the evolving landscape of theatre and performance in postcolonial Africa through the thought and plays of Ahmed Parker Yerima - one of Nigeria's foremost playwrights, artistic directors and theater scholars!


Date & Time: Friday, 26th July, 2024 | 4pm WAT (West Africa Time) / 10am CST (Central Standard Time) 


- Prof. Ahmed Parker Yerima (Playwright, Scholar, and former Director-General of the National Theatre)

- ⁠Dr. Ngozi Udengwu, University of Nigeria/Albany State University (Chairperson)

- ⁠Dr Rantimi Jays Julius-Adeoye, Redeemer's University (Panelist)

- ⁠Joseph Edgar, Duke of Shomolu Productions (Panelist)

- ⁠Emmanuel Adejumo (BoiSala), National Troupe of Nigeria (Panelist)


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For further information, collaboration or media coverage, kindly reach out to Tobi Adewunmi via 

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