Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

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Course Policies for a Difficult Semester

Event Type
The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning
wifi event
Jan 14, 2021   3:00 - 4:00 pm  
Lucas Anderson, CITL
Free, but registration required
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Lucas Anderson
Originating Calendar
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

We’re about to begin another semester that will present great difficulties for students and instructors. In the best of times, it can be challenging to develop course policies that are fair, clear, and responsive to student needs. When courses are unexpectedly put online or in hybrid form, when students are trying to attend class remotely in non-ideal conditions, when absences from class may increase due to illness, Internet connection issues, or inability to gain access to a University building, then fair course policies are even harder to identify.

In this session, we’ll have a conversation about what kinds of course policies (particularly about absence, deadlines, and use of technology) might be best for the upcoming semester. If I knew for sure what the best course policies were, I would just write them down and give them to you. What I have instead are thoughtful considerations based on the expertise and experiences of several teachers and educational professionals, which I will share as part of a conversation with attendees.

This workshop counts towards the Graduate Teacher Certificate or the Certificate in Foundations of Teaching.

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