Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

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The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning is dedicated to promoting, enhancing, and assessing teaching effectiveness and student learning. In addition to the events listed below, we are always available for individual consultations or workshops designed specifically for your department or college.  *Many workshops can be applied towards the CITL teaching certificates. Learn more about our teaching certificates. 

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Fall 2020 Faculty Teaching & Learning Series, wksp #5: Innovative Multimedia Assessments of Student Learning: Going Beyond the Usual Papers and Exams

Event Type
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL)
wifi event
Oct 14, 2020   11:30 am - 1:00 pm  
Cheelan Bo-Linn (CITL)
No cost for joining the faculty learning community.
Registration is required. Please click here to register
Cheelan Bo-Linn
Originating Calendar
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

Faculty Seminar Series on Teaching & Learning

Theme: Creating Success When Teaching & Learning Remotely

Come join a dynamic learning community by participating in this specially designed online seminar series for all faculty (across all disciplines and rank). We’ll share strategies and best practices from research-based pedagogy. Great conversations and handouts provided.

Session 5: Innovative Multimedia Assessments of Student Learning: 

Going Beyond the Usual Papers and Exams


Building off the 2019 UIUC Faculty Retreat, we learned of the importance of students being able to think critically and create imaginatively. How can students demonstrate these abilities? What are ways to design assignments that are challenging, motivating, and emotionally engaging?  Can we create authentic assessments that measure learning beyond conventional test questions and term papers? 

Given that all courses will end the fall semester being online, traditional exams may not be the most effective option. In this session, we will share the creative multimedia assignments that your colleagues developed to innovatively assess their students learning.  Handouts will include directions, resources, and rubrics for grading.

This workshop counts towards the Graduate Teacher Certificate, the Teacher Scholar Certificate or the Certificate in Foundations of Teaching.

Please mark these dates on your calendar

Wed, Sept. 16, 2020       Session 1: “I wish I had known that earlier”: Using Informal (IEF) and Formal (ICES) Online Feedback to Improve Teaching and Learning

Wed, Sept. 23, 2020       Session 2: Engaging Students Through Active Learning in Online Synchronous Sessions

Wed, Sept. 30, 2020       Session 3: Effective Team Projects and Student Teams: What, How and Why

Wed, Oct. 7, 2020          Session 4: Teaching That Sticks: Six Ways to Make Your Lessons More Memorable

Wed, Oct. 14, 2020        Session 5: Innovative Multimedia Assessments of Student Learning: Going Beyond the Usual Papers and Exams


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