Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

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The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning is dedicated to promoting, enhancing, and assessing teaching effectiveness and student learning. In addition to the events listed below, we are always available for individual consultations or workshops designed specifically for your department or college.  *Many workshops can be applied towards the CITL teaching certificates. Learn more about our teaching certificates. 

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Proctorio Training: Automated Proctoring of Assessments in Your Compass 2g Course

Event Type
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning, Technology Services
Aug 20, 2020   10:00 - 11:00 am  
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Originating Calendar
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

Learn how to use the automated Proctorio tool to proctor and ensure the integrity of high-stakes assessments in your Compass 2g course site.

Proctorio staff will cover requirements and provide step-by-step instructions on how to enable and configure it in your course. They will describe the process for both instructors and students, direct you to resources, and answer questions. Staff from Technology Services and the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning will be available to help answer questions as well.

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