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IQUIST Young Researchers Seminar: "First Principle Predictions for Strongly Interacting Cold Fermionic Gases via Critical Boson Dominance and Anomaly Matching," Shashin Pavaskar, Kahn Group

Event Type
190 Engineering Sciences Building, 1101 W Springfield Ave, Urbana, IL 61801
Dec 4, 2024   11:00 - 11:50 am  
Shashin Pavaskar, Kahn Group
Wolfgang Pfaff
Originating Calendar
IQUIST Young Researchers Seminar

First Principle Predictions for Strongly Interacting Cold Fermionic Gases via Critical Boson Dominance and Anomaly Matching

Abstract:  Recently the authors have developed an effective field theory formalism to systematically describe cold fermionic gases near the unitary limit. The theory has enhanced predictive power due to the fact that interactions are dominated by the exchange of a gapped critical boson whose couplings and mass are fixed by matching the dilatation anomaly between the UV and IR theories. We utilize this theory to give analytic predictions for the compressibility and magnetic susceptibility for fermions near unitarity with attractive interactions above the critical temperature, with a well-defined theoretical error. The inputs to the predictions are the scattering length "a", the effective mass m* and contact parameter C(a). We then compare our predictions to numerical simulations and find excellent agreement within the window of scattering lengths where the EFT is valid (10≥∣kf a ∣≥1). Experimental corroboration of this theory supports critical point that can be describe by the inclusion of a scalar dilaton mode, whose action is fixed by symmetries.

Student Bio: I am postdoctoral research associate in Hep group working for Yonatan Kahn.

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