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CDA Seminar: FarmVibes.AI: A Open Source toolkit for Fusing Geospatial and Spatiotemporal Data for Agriculture

Event Type
Center for Digital Agriculture
wifi event
Nov 7, 2023   2:00 - 3:00 pm  
Riyaz Pishori, Principal Program Manager at Microsoft
Center for Digital Agriculture
Originating Calendar
Center for Digital Agriculture Events

Overview: Agriculture is a complex and dynamic system that involves multiple data sources, such as sensors, satellites, drones, weather, and soil. However, no single data source can provide a complete picture of a farm. How can we merge these data sources to create the ultimate truth about a farm? How can we use this truth to estimate the carbon footprint, nutrition, and farm sustainability? In this talk, we will introduce FarmVibes.AI, an OSS toolkit on GitHub that leverages AI models to fuse geospatial and spatiotemporal data for agriculture. We will demonstrate how FarmVibes.AI can help scientists, researchers, and partners to build new datasets and insights for agriculture. We will also show some examples of how FarmVibes.AI can generate rich visualizations of the farm, such as heat maps, super-res satellite imagery, and more.

Join us on Zoom to learn how FarmVibes.AI can help you to understand and improve your farm.

Resource Links: FarmVibes.AI - Microsoft Research and GitHub - microsoft/farmvibes-ai: FarmVibes.AI: Multi-Modal GeoSpatial ML Models for Agriculture and Sustainability.

About Our Speaker

Riyaz Pishori is a principal program manager at Microsoft with over 30 years of experience in the software industry. He works closely with Microsoft researchers and engineers to bring innovations to industry verticals such as agriculture, energy, retail CPG, and more.

He also led the development of platform solutions for AI and analytics using industry data. In addition, Riyaz has been involved in various projects related to enterprise management, OSS component management, and Windows updates.

Previously, Riyaz was a group program manager for Windows Live and Windows Features Platform, where he delivered a routing delivery platform and showcased new Windows features via inbox applications in Windows 7.

Before that, he was a senior program manager for Windows Distributed Framework (RPC, COM, OLE, COM+, .net EnterpriseServices), where he shipped numerous features across multiple Windows and Windows Server and .net framework releases.

Riyaz started his career as a developer at IBAX, where he developed Windows doctor's office management software.
He has a master's degree in electrical and computer engineering with a focus on artificial intelligence from the University of South Carolina and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI).

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