Large-Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations with NekRS Supporting Industry and the DOE
Abstract: With the ever-increasing availability of computing power, the size and fidelity of possible simulations in nuclear engineering has been expanding. With each increase, the complexity of phenomena that can be analyzed and better understood also grows. The field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is no different.
Simulations of full assemblies that were considered “hero-class” calculations only a few years ago, are now commonplace. It was only a matter of time until full-core-scale simulations became possible. Recent efforts driven jointly by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) and Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) Program have enabled these simulations with the next generation code, NekRS. In this talk, the application of CFD to perform large-scale simulations for nuclear energy applications supporting industry and DOE stakeholders will be discussed. Additionally, the physical insights gained from each simulation and how the results are being used to drive the next generation of nuclear engineering simulation tools will be described.
Bio: Dillon Shaver is currently a Principal Nuclear Engineer in the Nuclear Science and Engineering Division at Argonne National Laboratory, where he is the NEAMS work-package manager for Nek5000/NekRS development. He received his Ph.D. in Nuclear Science and Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2014 where he also held a position as a Lecturer in the MANE department for a year before joining Argonne. He is an expert on computational fluid dynamics and multiphase flow and an active member of the American Nuclear Society. He currently serves as the Technical Program Chair for the ANS Thermal Hydraulics Division.