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NPRE 596 Graduate Seminar Series - Mehdi Reisi Fard

Event Type
NPRE 596 Graduate Seminar Series
1320 Digital Computer Laboratory, 1304 W. Springfield Avenue, Urbana, IL
Aug 30, 2022   4:00 - 4:50 pm  
Dr. Mehdi Reisi Fard, Chief, Performance and Reliability Branch, Division of Risk Analysis, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Free and Open to the Public
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NPRE seminars

An Overview of Some NRC Research Activities Related to Probabilistic Risk Assessments Tools and Risk-Informed Decision-Making Frameworks

Abstract: The NRC is on a journey to become a more modern, risk-informed regulator. Numerous significant initiatives in recent decades helped establish necessary tools and frameworks to use risk and probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs) in regulatory activities. Nonetheless, the increased adoption of more complex risk-informed applications and new technologies warrant maintaining a robust regulatory research program that supports enhanced use of risk. Using risk frameworks to support licensing of advanced reactors, risk-informing materials assessment, improving the realism of various elements of PRAs, using advanced computational tools to analyze operational experience to gain risk insights, studying frameworks such as the licensing modernization project (LMP), and developing coherent, reliable, and technology-inclusive risk-informed decision-making guidance are some examples of current activities at the NRC. This presentation provides an overview of some ongoing research activities to familiarize the audience with the breadth, depth, and value of risk analysis research from the regulatory perspective.

Bio: Dr. Mehdi Reisi Fard is the Branch Chief of the Performance and Reliability Branch in the Division of Risk Analysis at the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES). His branch leads activities in managing research programs to systematically assess reliability information to determine risk-informed insights for nuclear power reactors, evaluating operating experience to identify and rank operational events by calculating the risk associated with events and conditions using probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs), and developing guidance for risk-informed decision making. Before joining RES as a Branch Chief, he led a team in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) that developed and implemented guidance for first-of-a-kind licensing applications, including tornado-generated missile risk analyses, seismic PRAs performed in response to the Fukushima Daiichi event, seismic risk evaluations that support risk-informed applications, and the risk associated with the potential impact of debris blockage on emergency recirculation.

Dr. Reisi Fard joined the NRC in 2007 as a Reliability and Risk Analyst and has since held positions at the Oconee Nuclear Station resident office, Division of Safety Systems, and Division of Risk Assessment in NRR. He has led or contributed to activities related to resolving generic safety issues, reviewing various risk-informed licensing applications, developing guidance for risk-informed decision making, and evaluating the risk of external hazards. Dr. Reisi Fard was a representative of the NRC on the Joint Committee on Nuclear Risk Management (JCNRM) to support the development and maintenance of PRA standards. He has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, a Master of Science degree, and a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from the Ohio State University. Dr. Reisi Fard is a certified professional engineer in the state of Virginia.

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