Learn international folk dances from around the world in this four-week offering that will take place from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 10, 17 and 24 and May 1 in the Allerton Mansion Library.
Folk dancing is a fun activity, good exercise and a stress reliever. In this class, you will learn dances from a variety of countries, including the history behind each dance. During each class, dances taught the previous week will be reviewed and new dances will be taught. The primary focus of the session is dancing, so please wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
Your instructor will be Judy Lachman, a retired teacher who has been learning and teaching folk dancing since college.
Cost is $15/person/session and all sales are final. Register here.
Dances that originated in Romania, South Africa, Russia, United States, Denmark, Scotland, Israel, Peru are among those that will be taught.
If you need disability-related accommodations to participate, please email Olivia Bunting at owarren@illinois.edu.
About the instructor
Lachman has taught international folk dancing to children and adults in a variety of settings. Recently, she taught international folk dancing classes at Allerton Park and Retreat Center and through OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, under the auspices of the University of Illinois).