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Vanessa Zúñiga Tinizaray | Tinkuy: Meeting in Diversity

Event Type
Krannert Art Museum, supported by the School of Art & Design Visitors Committee and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Krannert Art Museum - Lower Level, Auditorium (KAM 62)
Apr 20, 2023   2:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Campus Wellbeing Services - All Wellness Events

Join us for a talk by Ecuadorian designer Vanessa Zúñiga Tinizaray who has created a design system modeled on the visual richness of indigenous culture.

“Tinkuy: Meeting in Diversity” is a visual archive that is part of the research project “Crónicas Visuales del Abya Yala,” which connects the designer with her ancestral roots, it is a return to the elemental, to the irreducible, to the origin. A journey through several archaeological pieces of different cultures that inhabited the Andes, where she finds visually represented the concept of Tinkuy (meeting between opposites and different), a Quechua word that encompasses the richness of diversity, a point where different ways of thinking, interests, traditions and cultural expressions converge, a space to exchange knowledge, strengthen ties, forge alliances to work on projects that benefit different communities as a collective being and not individual.

Tinkuy is a modular system that allows for infinite possibilities of combinations, which hold simple yet complex hidden visual codes, bringing back to life the cultures of the inhabited Andes through typography, textures, posters, decoration, textiles, ceramics, etc.

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