Course Design for Well-Being: A Students’ Bill of Rights
Judith Pintar (School of Information Science)
The Art of Teaching Lunchtime Seminar Series is back with a new slate of inspiring faculty from across the disciplines sharing their ideas and experiences on teaching and learning. On Thursday September 1, Judith Pintar will present Course Design for Well-Being: A Students’ Bill of Rights. Professor Pintar worked with undergraduate students to identify course design elements that they experience as inclusive (or excluding), fair (or unfair), effective (or frustrating), as well as those which produce feelings of confidence (or anxiety), agency (or powerlessness), engagement (or boredom), and resilience (or failure). The resulting Students’ Bill of Rights is a meta-rubric intended to increase awareness of the connection between course design and student well-being, and to begin to outline a UX framework for designing fair and inclusive courses. Register here for this online presentation from 12-1pm on Zoom.