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Haute Couture in Ancient Greece : The Spectacular Costumes of Ariadne and Helen of Troy

Event Type
University Library - Classics Library Collection Literatures and Languages Library
wifi event
Nov 1, 2023   6:00 - 7:30 pm  
Dr Bernice R. Jones & Elli Papazoi
Zoom link (no registration required)
Elias Petrou
Originating Calendar
Library Calendar

Have you ever wondered what Homer's heroes and heroines would look like if they lived today? Please join us on November 1st and admire the fabulous costumes of the Minoans and Mycenaeans. Of the utmost luxury and decorated with exquisite patterns and appliqués of gold and precious gems and topped with exquisite jewelry, the costumes were the royal regalia of queens and goddesses. 

This lecture brings to life the fabulous costumes of the Minoans and Mycenaeans. Of the utmost luxury and decorated with exquisite patterns and appliqués of gold and precious gems and topped with exquisite jewelry, the costumes were the royal regalia of queens and goddesses. No longer preserved, the costumes are replicated through detailed analysis of art and texts and draped on live models posed as in art and juxtaposed with the sculptures and wall paintings they imitate. Fragmentary figural frescoes are reconstructed to restore lost scenes of palatial and everyday life. Ultimately, the reconstructed costumes and wall paintings virtually bring Homer’s heroes and heroines to life and emphasize their concurrent ancient, contemporary, and eternal significance.

The Classics Library Collection sponsors the event, and everyone is welcome. The lecture will be hosted online as a Zoom webinar - see Zoom link. Please find attached a brief booklet with the abstracts and bios of our honorary speakers

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