Physics - Careers Seminar

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Physics Careers Seminar: "Physics Career Opportunities at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory"

Event Type
Department of Physics
276 Loomis
Jan 31, 2023   4:00 pm  
Dr. Philip Powell, Staff Physicist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lance Cooper


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has a vital, enduring mission: to make the nation and world safer and more secure through world class science, technology, and engineering (ST&E).  As an innovative “new ideas” laboratory, we deliver game changing solutions to important problems that arise in a rapidly changing world.  In this talk I will discuss the unique breadth of physics career opportunities available at LLNL, which enable individuals to make important contributions to the nation and the world while pursuing cutting edge science.


Having received his PhD in Physics from the University of Illinois in 2013, Philip is now a Design Physicist in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Design Physics Division.  In that capacity, he has worked on multiple nuclear stockpile modernization programs, bringing the nation’s nuclear deterrent into the 21st century through updated designs capable of meeting new technological and geopolitical conditions.  He plays a key role in providing comprehensive annual assessments of current nuclear stockpile systems to ensure their safety, security, and reliability in serving the nation’s deterrent objectives.  As part of nation’s Stockpile Stewardship program, he has also designed and analyzed experiments for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) to constrain material strength models under extreme temperatures and pressures.

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