Physics - Careers Seminar

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Physics Careers Seminar: "Job Opportunities in the Logic Technology Group at Intel Corp"

Event Type
Department of Physics
Apr 29, 2022   2:00 pm  
Dr. Santosh Tripathi, Data Scientist, Intel Corporation
Lance Cooper

Abstract: Intel is currently on a journey to releasing four process nodes in five years. It is an unprecedented goal, and is ambitious by any standard. However, it can only be achieved through the collective contributions of innovative workforce. In this talk we will cover how Yield Organization within Logic Technology Development at Intel fits within Intel's innovation ecosystem, what we do, and what are the different job roles awaiting smart, driven, and result driven future colleagues.

Speaker Bio: Dr. Santosh Tripathi is currently a Senior Staff Engineer within Logic Technology Development (LTD) organization at Intel. He focuses on developing methodologies and systems that enable conversion of large quantity of data generated in the course of semiconductor process development into insights. In his previous role at Intel he managed a group that was responsible for roadmap management, capability and application development of multiple defect detection and dimension measurement capabilities.

Dr. Tripathi received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from UIUC in 2013. As PhD student here at UIUC his focus was on the development of new metrology techniques.

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