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Native Forward Scholars Fund: Empowering Native Scholars and Increasing Visibility Through Higher Education

Event Type
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Room 3080, OVCDEI (614 E Daniel St., Third Floor, Champaign)
Nov 13, 2024   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Wellness Community Calendar

Sara Barnett is a citizen of the Muscogee Nation and serves as the Associate Director of Student Programming for the Native Forward Scholars Fund. Throughout its 50-year history, Native Forward has empowered over 22,000 students from over 500 Tribes in all 50 states by providing scholarship dollars and support for service for undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. Sara will deliver a noontime talk about how Native Forward contributes to the Native American Heritage Month theme of Supporting Equitable Outcomes for Native Students in Higher Education.

Lunch will be provided. Food is first come, first served.

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