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The Great Backyard Bird Count 2024!

Event Type
Social/Informal Event
Urbana Park District
Feb 16, 2024   6:00 am - 4:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Wellness Community Calendar
Help us figure out the birds that are in our area!

You can be a citizen scientist from the comfort of your own home! By counting birds you see from your windows or in your yard, you will help scientists collect important real-time information.

Anyone can participate—count for as little or as long as you wish! Submit your observations online to http://gbbc.birdcount.org/" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(36, 103, 142);">gbbc.birdcount.org/ anytime from February 18-21.

Share photos of your sightings with the Anita Purves Nature Center and Urbana Park District on social media! #UrbanaParks #GBBC #BirdCount

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