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Kate Ozment: The Hroswitha Club and the Impact of Women Book Collectors (Webinar)

Event Type
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library
wifi event
Apr 11, 2023   6:30 - 7:30 pm  
Kate Ozment
Carrie Lingscheit
Originating Calendar
Rare Book & Manuscript Library Events

Log in to learn about a group of women book collectors who met from 1944-2004, providing a space for legitimacy, fellowship, and education in a period where women’s access to formal education and academic institutions was limited.

Please pre-register at go.illinois.edu/Ozment

Kate Ozment is assistant professor of English at Cal Poly Pomona, co-editor of the Women in Book History Bibliography, and a contributing editor to the Women’s Print History Project. Her work is a dialogue between feminist methodologies in book history and bibliography and the transhistorical study of women’s labor in and around the book trades, which she has published in venues such as Textual Cultures, Huntington Library Quarterly, and Eighteenth-Century Studies. Her in-progress research uses gender theory to explore essentialist assumptions about labor in and around the eighteenth-century British book trades, focusing on how “fakery” is used as a way delegitimize feminized contributions to book production. Today, she will be discussing research from her forthcoming Cambridge University Press Element, which details the history of the Hroswitha Club and the complexities of gender, class, and book collecting in the twentieth-century United States. 

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