Wellness Community Calendar

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The Student Wellness Community Calendar is updated weekly to provide health, wellness, and well-being resources that are available through both or campus and greater community. We will be adding Illinois student curated resources aimed at the 8-dimensions of wellness.  This calendar is packed with opportunities from classes on stress management, to adult social dance classes, and workshops covering therapeutic arts. Find information on upcoming fun runs, and athletic events. Explore what it means for you to “be-well Illinois”. 

Community Seminar Series: Autumn Health Picks 2024

Event Type
Illinois Extension
Oct 23, 2024   12:00 - 1:00 pm  

School-Based Agriculture for Nature-Based Solutions 

Explore the transformative potential of school food forests as climate change interventions. This session will delve into how these agroforestry-based programs produce fresh, nourishing food while enhancing socio-emotional wellness and environmental stewardship. By transforming school garden sites into multi-functional systems, these initiatives also offer high-capacity food production, mitigate negative environmental impacts, and provide opportunities for stress relief.  

All sessions are offered via Zoom on Wednesdays at noon (CST).

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