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The Greek Book: Paleography, Transmission, & Critical Editions (400 BCE – 1550 CE)

Event Type
UIUC Campus
Mar 3, 2025 - Mar 7, 2025   All Day
Originating Calendar
Department of the Classics

The Rare Book & Manuscript Library (RBML) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is proud to announce the inaugural workshop in its new Global Book History at Illinois series. This program is designed to provide advanced instruction to students, faculty, and staff at the University and beyond, focusing on underexplored areas in the history of the book. The goal is to champion new avenues of bibliographical study and ensure this work remains publicly accessible.

For this inaugural workshop, The Greek Book: Paleography, Transmission, & Critical Editions (400 BCE – 1550 CE), the RBML is partnering with the Classics Library Collection, the Classics Department, the Program in Medieval Studies, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Participants will explore foundational skills in Greek paleography, historical manuscript and print production, and the preparation of critical editions for scholarly work. Due to the nature of the materials, some prior knowledge of the Greek language is preferred.

The program consists of three units, each taught by renowned specialists in the field:

Professor Immaculada Pérez Martín

Session: The History of Greek Texts and Books – From Stone to Paper
 This session will examine the materiality of early Greek book production, spanning from manuscripts to print (400 BCE–1550 CE). Topics include the preparation of papyrus, vellum, and paper; the work of scribes and the development of common writing hands; and the evolution of early modern printing and Greek fonts.

Inmaculada Pérez Martín is a Professor and Scientific Researcher at the Institute of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (ILC), Madrid-Spain, and Vice President of the Spanish Byzantine Association.

Professor Emeritus Agamemnon Tselikas

Session: Greek Paleography I – From Manuscript to Transcription
 This session will focus on analyzing physical texts, identifying written hands and letters, and learning formal manuscript transcription techniques. Special attention will be given to the proper use of diacritics and aspirants.

Agamemnon Tselikas is the Former Director of the Centre for History and Palaeography at the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation in Athens.

Professor Georgios Xenis

Session: Greek Paleography II – From Transcription to Critical Editions
This session will cover the essentials of creating a scholarly critical edition. Participants will learn how to organize and evaluate manuscript evidence, develop and assess conjectures, and produce an edited text complete with a critical apparatus and an apparatus of parallel passages.

George Xenis is a Professor and Head of the Classics Department at the University of Cyprus.

The workshop will conclude with a public roundtable featuring all three instructors on the final day of the program.

Program Details:

  • Dates: March 3–7, 2025
  • Location: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus
  • Cost: Tuition is completely free; participants are responsible for their own travel and lodging arrangements.

How to Apply:

To apply, please submit the following by January 15, 2025:

  • A brief statement of interest, including your current proficiency in Greek.
  • A copy of your CV.

Send applications to:

Additional Opportunities:

Visitors interested in extending their stay for research or related events may wish to note the following:

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