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Deadline: Dissertation and Masters Project Travel Grants

Event Type
University of Illinois
Feb 26, 2023   All Day
Hannah Gorrie
Originating Calendar
Computer Science Department Events Calendar

Masters:  The Graduate College's Master's Project Travel Grants provide reimbursement to Illinois students for travel-related costs incurred for the completion of an off-campus, short-term project required of one of the University’s master's degree programs.  Approximately 10 grants of up to $500 will be awarded given sufficient funding.  Grant recipients are expected to conclude their travel by December 31, 2023.  Grants will not be awarded for travel that has taken place prior to the completion of the competition process.

Selection criteria include necessity for travel, significance and feasibility of the project, and the applicant’s academic record and accomplishments. Budget constraints may call for the selection committee to give priority to nominees in terminal masters programs.

Dissertation: Dissertation Travel Grants provide reimbursement to subsidize travel and associated costs necessary for doctoral dissertation research, whether for exploring a potential dissertation topic (i.e., before extensive research has been done) or for conducting dissertation research. Approximately 12 grants at amounts up to $5,000 will be awarded given sufficient funding. An awardee's nominating department must commit to contributing 12% of the cost of the grant.

The criteria used in making awards are the necessity for travel; the significance, coherence, and feasibility of the proposed research as determined from the proposal; and letters of support. The student's productivity and efficient progress toward the degree as shown in the academic record are also evaluated. Students who have already received a Graduate College Dissertation Travel Grant are not eligible. Grants will not be awarded for travel that has taken place prior to the completion of the competition process. Grants will not cover costs that are covered by other funding. 

Applications due: Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 11:59 PM 

All internal award applications are submitted through our Blackbaud Awards Management portal. Please refer to the Blackbaud Instructions Page.  Contact with any questions.

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