Please join us for the WGGP Graduate Forum on April 14th 12-2:30 pm CST.
Dismantling culture in older Indonesian women's food-related activities and settings
Widya Ramadhani, Design Researcher and Doctoral Candidate in the School of Architecture
2021-2022 Barbara A. Yates Fellow, 2022-2023 Rita and Arnold Goodman Fellow
Discussant: Dr. Maryam Kashani, Assistant Professor, Gender and Women's Studies and Asian American Studies
Narratives and Counternarratives of Victim blaming in Egypt
Nehal Elmeligy, Sociology Doctoral Candidate
2022-2023 Evelyne Accad and Paul Vieille Research Award
Discussant: Dr. Angela Williams, Associate Director, Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Structural Determinants of Gender Inequality: Examining Belonging in Educational Settings for Marginalized Girls in India
Ananya Tiwari, Co-Founder of SwaTaleem and Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Educational Psychology
2021-2022 Rita and Arnold Goodman Fellow
Discussant: Dr. Wynne Korr, Professor Emerita, School of Social Work
Intersectional Equity Planning through Community-based Diverse Economies: The Case of Sunni Baluch Women Needleworkers in Iran
Atyeh Ashtari, Urban and Regional Planning Doctoral Candidate
2021-2022 Evelyne Accad and Paul Vielle Research Award, 2022-2023 Barbara A. Yates Fellow
Discussant: Dr. Zsuzsa Gille, Professor, Sociology