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Teaching Special Seminar: Tamara Nelson-Fromm, "Designing Computing Education for the Arts and Sciences"

Event Type
Siebel School of Computing and Data Science
wifi event
Feb 5, 2025   9:00 am  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Special Seminar Series


Computing at all levels has applications across disciplines beyond software engineering. In order to create programming education which serves the specific needs of art and science students, it was necessary for us to create curricula grounded in the computational practices of liberal arts and sciences faculty. In this talk, I will outline the design process used to create two new computing general education courses at the University of Michigan. I will describe how I've evaluated and iterated upon the initial course designs to illustrate my philosophy around curricular and assessment design.

Tamara Nelson-Fromm is a PhD Candidate at University of Michigan, where she has taught introductory CS (for majors and non-majors) as well as courses in user interfaces and educational design. She previously completed a BS in Computer Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Her research focuses on programming education for alternative endpoints in computing.

Faculty Host: Craig Zilles

Meeting ID: 822 4584 2184; Password: csillinois

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