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Special Seminar: Dixin Tang, "Supporting User-Centered Analytical Interfaces at Scale"

Event Type
Illinois Computer Science
wifi event
Apr 13, 2023   10:00 am  
Originating Calendar
Computer Science Special Seminar Series


Many data analytical tools are built for the general public to easily make sense of data and get insights, such as spreadsheets, visual analytical tools, and many Python data analysis libraries. These tools are widely adopted by people with no or limited programming experience. Their popularity is mainly attributed to their intuitive and easy-to-use interfaces, referred to as user-centered analytical interfaces. Unfortunately, in face of a large dataset, the modern data analytical stack that supports these interfaces suffers from significant problems with interactivity, scalability, and resource utilization.

In this talk, I will present my research on transforming the modern data analytical stack to efficiently support user-centered analytical interfaces at scale. I will focus on the two projects that address the interactivity and resource utilization problems. First, I will present transactional panorama, a formal framework that enables end-users to consume the results in progressively updating visualizations with desirable properties (e.g., coherence) and performance preserved. Transactional panorama extends database transactions to model the user’s interaction with progressively updating visualizations and brings transactions to end-user analytics. After, I will discuss CrocodileDB, a resource-efficient database that leverages novel system strategies to reduce resource consumption while meeting a performance goal that is specified by the user. Finally, I will discuss future projects that bring large-scale data analysis to the masses.

Dixin Tang is a postdoctoral scholar at UC Berkeley working with Prof. Aditya G. Paramaswaran. Prior to that, he received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago, advised by Prof. Aaron J. Elmore. His research is broadly in data management with a focus on building usable, scalable, and resource-efficient data systems for the general public to easily analyze large-scale datasets.

Faculty Host: Yongjoo Park

Meeting ID: 850 6954 7924; Password: csillinois

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