Henrique Reis
Professor - Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering
This talk starts by introducing the research area of Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT&E) followed by examples of research topics addressed in the Laboratory. Examples include concepts such as (1) prognosis of dimension stone, e.g., marble, (2) tire prognosis/intelligent tires, (3) monitoring fluid viscosity without moving parts, (4) monitoring corrosion in reinforced concrete structures, (5) nondestructive measurement of adhesive bond strength, (6) nondestructive evaluation of low-temperature prognosis/performance of asphalt concrete pavements, (7) inspection of bridge decks for delaminations due to rebar corrosion, (8) damage evaluation due to high temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA) in carbon steels, and some examples of manufacturing process control, such as (9) process control of engineered wood composites, and (10) cold header machine process monitoring, and process control of threads in miniature fasteners. These examples are followed by a discussion addressing the need to incorporate knowledge of Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation into the engineering design curricula to avoid manufacturing components that cannot be inspected with currently available technology or are inspected only at great expense.