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ILLIXR Consortium, "A Co-Simulation Platform Enabling System-Level Pre-Silicon Evaluation of Robotics SoCs"

Event Type
Sarita Adve
wifi event
Apr 6, 2022   11:00 am  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Speakers Calendar

A Co-Simulation Platform Enabling System-Level Pre-Silicon Evaluation of Robotics SoCs

Hardware accelerators have the potential to allow robotics systems to meet stringent deadline and energy constraints. However, in order to accurately evaluate the system-level performance of a heterogeneous robotics SoC it is necessary to co-simulate the architectural behavior of hardware running a full robotics software stack together with a robotics environment modeling system dynamics and sensor data. This talk presents a co-simulation infrastructure integrating AirSim, a drone simulator, and FireSim, a FPGA-accelerated RTL simulator, followed by discussion on evaluating robotics and XR hardware on the component, SoC, and system level.


Dima Nikiforov is a second year PhD student at the SLICE Lab at UC Berkeley, advised by Prof. Sophia Shao and Prof. Bora Nikolic. Their research interests include the design and integration of hardware accelerators for robotics applications.

Chris Dong is a Masters student and a graduate student researcher at the SLICE Lab at UC Berkeley, advised by Prof. Sophia Shao. She is also currently working as a software engineer at Tesla. Her research interest lies in hardware-software co-design for autonomous robotics.

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