The water crises humanity is facing are becoming increasingly interconnected and complex, necessitating a more integrated approach to water resources management. This approach must involve all relevant actors and stakeholders, while recognizing the interconnections between water resources and various societal sectors. Water availability and demand can no longer be assessed independently of each other through scenarios; instead a coupling between water and human systems is essential.
Prof. Günter Blöschl heads the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). He holds a diploma in civil engineering and a doctorate in hydrology from the TU Wien. His research interests revolve around understanding hydrological extremes, including the effects of climate change. He has demonstrated the role of climate change in increasing flood risk on a European scale, published in Science (2017) and Nature (2019 and 2020). He is a past president of the European Geosciences Union and the International Association for Hydrological Sciences and has received numerous awards, including the AGU Horton Medal and an ERC Advanced Grant on river flood changes. He is a member of the Academies of Sciences of Austria and Germany and the NAE.