Civil and Environmental Engineering - Master Calendar

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Mega-trends in the Growth of Hydrologic Understanding: From Newton to Darwin to Wegener

Event Type
Water Resource Engineering and Science
1017 Civil and Environmental Engineering Building (Hydrosystems)
Feb 9, 2024   12:00 pm  
Murugesu Sivapalan - Chester & Helen Siess Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Professor of Geography and Geographical Information Science - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jennifer Bishop
Originating Calendar
Water Resources Engineering and Science Seminars
Hydrologic science has undergone transformative changes over the past 100 years, from early empirical approaches to rigorous approaches for hydrologic predictions based on the fluid mechanics of water movement on and below the land surface. Challenged by limitations of traditional Newtonian approaches, and embracing a Darwinian, co-evolutionary Earth system science perspective, the pursuit of hydrologic science and predictions is now guided by altogether new questions and methodologies, with particular focus on interactions and feedbacks between parts of the Earth system that co-evolve, giving rise to a combination of bottom-up, physically-based modeling and top-down, data-based methods of modeling and inference, and the adoption of comparative hydrology. In the emergent Anthropocene, this global, co-evolutionary view has expanded to involve feedbacks with human-social processes as well. Hydrologic science is now entering a globalization era with a focus on new phenomena that emerge from regional and global teleconnections of the expansion of the human footprint, calling for the adoption of novel Wegenerian approaches to understand the Earth system and the role of water in it. In this lecture, I will present key milestones in the transformation of hydrologic science, the growth in hydrologic understanding, and the evolution in the analysis and prediction methods used in hydrologic research and practice.

Murugesu Sivapalan holds a B.S. Civil Engineering (University of Ceylon), M.Eng in Water Resources Engineering (AIT, Thailand), and obtained his 1986 Ph.D from Princeton University. He was Professor of Environmental Engineering at the University of Western Australia for 17 years, before joining University of Illinois in 2005. Siva has published on a wide range of topics, including effects of heterogeneity and scale, flood frequency, ecohydrology, and socio-hydrology. He was Executive Editor of the Hydrology and Earth System Sciences journal and was founding chair of International Association of Hydrological Sciences’ Decade on Predictions in Ungauged Basins initiative. Sivapalan has received several awards for his research contributions, including the John Dalton and Alfred Wegener Medals of the EGU, the Robert Horton Medal of the AGU, and the International Hydrology Prize of IAHS/WMO/UNESCO. He was a recipient of the Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (Creativity Prize) in recognition of his role in developing and leading the field of socio-hydrology.
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