Welcome to Pulse 2023! Join us for a week-long technology conference, where you can meet speakers from different technology backgrounds, attend corporate tech talks, participate in challenging competitions, and much more!
Conference Dates: February 6th, 2023 - February 12th, 2023
Lightning Talks - Back to back short showcases of emerging technology presented by corporate leaders
Coffee Chats - One on one networking opportunity to meet company representatives
Tech Talks - In depth presentations about up and coming topics in technology
Women in Technology (WIT) Day - A day long celebration of Women in Technology, including Lightning Talks, Keynote, a Women in Academia Panel, and a Networking dinner
Meet & Greet - Exclusive networking opportunity with company representatives
Recruiting Fair - Meet and learn about what various technology companies and ECE RSOs have to offer!
Design Competition - The design competition will allow you to show off your engineering skills using constraints and a problem statement delivered at the competition. You will be competing with peers to design a solution being judged on creativity, practicality, functionality, and your presentation.
Software Competition - The software competition is for both beginners and advanced coders to show off their skills working to solve LeetCode based questions on HackerRank faster and more accurately than their peers. The top few contenders will be awarded a prize for their efforts.
Hardware Competition - The hardware competition is a chance for students to show their skills at collaboration and communication with a team of their choosing or assigned as a “free agent”. Along with their knowledge of electronic hardware to assemble a project with creativity and functionality. You can work with a variety of materials including Raspberry Pi, FPGA, Arduino, LEDS, Logics Chips and more.
Soldering Workshop w/ HKN - Learn how to solder, an important skill all ECE-interested students should have!
Website: https://pulseece.web.engr.illinois.edu/
Socials: https://linktr.ee/pulse_uiuc
If you have any questions/comments, please email us at pulse.illinois@gmail.com!