Get a first-hand look at how honey bees manage hive activity during the summer at Bee Hive Observation on June 2 & 15, July 7 & 21 and Aug. 4.* Classes will include an overview of seasonal influences, followed by a peek inside the hives to observe honey bees at work. Traditional and Flow Hives will also be discussed.
Participants should wear loose-fitting long sleeves and pants, close-toed shoes and bring a protective bee veil and unscented rubber gloves.
$90/person for the series or $20/class. Register here for the series by May 31 or two days before each individual class.* All sales are final.
*Individual class links:
— Sunday, July 21, 1-3 p.m. in The Studio
— Sunday, Aug. 4, 1-3 p.m. in The Studio