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Storytelling Class

Event Type
Allerton Park & Retreat Center
Apr 15, 2023   10:00 - 11:00 am  

People — by nature — are storytellers. We tell each other about our daily lives, our pasts, and our hopes and dreams. We also share jokes and stories that come our way.

In this five-week Storytelling Class, you will learn how to select stories you can tell, how to learn stories and remember them, and how and where to perform them. These will be a “safe space” where all are encouraged to join in, but only if they wish to.

Your instructor will be Judy Lachman, who has been telling stories for as long as she can remember and has performed as a storyteller in a variety of settings.

This class meets from 10 to 11 a.m. each Saturday in April (five sessions) in the Greenhouse Auditorium. Cost is $15/person/session and all sales are final. Participants are encouraged to register and attend all sessions. Register here.

Class topics covered throughout the entire five weeks will include Finding Your Voice, Developing Characters, Choosing and Telling a Folk Tale and Becoming a Professional Storyteller.

If you need disability-related accommodations to participate, please email Olivia Bunting at

About the storyteller

Lachman has many interests, including reading, learning and telling folk tales from many countries, and has performed as a storyteller for adults as well as children. Lachman has also led storytelling clubs for elementary school students.

She has recently begun performing personal stories as well as folk tales.

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