Implementing Quarks and Gauge Fields on Noisy Quantum Computers
Abstract: Many aspects of the strong force among quarks can be handled through a well-known supercomputer method called lattice gauge theory. This first-principles approach has become a mainstay of nuclear and particle physics. A reformulation of lattice gauge theory onto quantum computers could eventually provide access to important topics that are unattainable on classical computers, and many researchers have started working toward this goal.
My talk will describe some exploratory lattice gauge theory calculations performed on small IBM quantum computers, in collaboration with students at York University and colleagues at the University of Waterloo. Our choice of methods for mapping quarks and gauge fields onto qubits will be explained. Emphasis will be placed on a method for quantum error mitigation that provides substantial benefits while also being easy to employ.
Bio: Randy Lewis got his PhD in theoretical particle physics from the University of Toronto. He did postdoctoral work at the TRIUMF Lab in Vancouver and at Jefferson Lab in Virginia. He is presently a professor of physics at York University in Toronto. His recent research has emphasized lattice gauge theory for heavy quarks, exotic hadrons, and quantum computation.
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