Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

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The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning is dedicated to promoting, enhancing, and assessing teaching effectiveness and student learning. In addition to the events listed below, we are always available for individual consultations or workshops designed specifically for your department or college.  Many workshops can be applied towards the CITL teaching certificates. Learn more about our teaching certificates. 


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Quick Start Workshop: Make Your Moodle Courses Accessible

Event Type
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning
wifi event
Feb 7, 2025   1:00 - 2:00 pm  
Julie Baker and Riana Beachy-Hasenick
Free but registration required
Click here to register for Make Your Moodle Courses Accessible
Julie Baker

In this hands-on workshop, we will cover the key strategies for designing accessible course content in Moodle. Participants will learn how to create accessible headings, tables, lists, and hyperlinks, as well as how to write alt text for images, generate and edit video captions, and incorporate other elements that will help students navigate courses and access information more easily. We’ll also discuss the advantages (and limitations) of using Moodle’s accessibility checker and screen reader helper. Participants will leave this workshop with the knowledge and resources needed to create Moodle sites that meet state and federal accessibility standards.

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