Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

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The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning is dedicated to promoting, enhancing, and assessing teaching effectiveness and student learning. In addition to the events listed below, we are always available for individual consultations or workshops designed specifically for your department or college.  Many workshops can be applied towards the CITL teaching certificates. Learn more about our teaching certificates. 


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Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Designing Inclusive Courses - Summer Course Design Series #2

Event Type
The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning
Armory Building, Room 182
Jun 18, 2024   2:15 - 3:15 pm  
Jordan Leising and Maude Yacapsin, CITL
Free, but registration required
Click here to register for this or any workshop in the series
Lucas Anderson

With issues of diversity, disability, and access becoming more prominent in academia, it is important to consider how we teach our students in a way that shows they belong inside of our classrooms. This workshop focuses on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework as a means for making design choices that ensure that all students are able to meet course and developmental goals. We will discuss concepts such as the hidden curriculum, multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression/action, and student autonomy.

This workshop is part of the CITL Summer Course Design Series. You do not have to attend the entire series to attend this workshop, but we do think you'll have the best experience if you attend most or all of the workshops.

This workshop counts towards the Graduate Teacher Certificate, the Certificate in Foundations of Teaching, or the Teacher Scholar Certificate.

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