Department of Chemistry Master Calendar

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This calendar includes all events from the following individual calendars: Department of Chemistry Alumni Events (events for an alumni audience), Department Events (events of general interest and/or relevant to all Chemistry research areas), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Events, Public Events, and events related to Chemistry research areas and programs (Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Program, Inorganic Chemistry & Materials Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry), as well as Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Seminars & Events.


Professor Timothy Berkelbach, Columbia University, Electronic Excitations in Nanomaterials: New Theories and Methods

Event Type
Professor Nancy Makri, Physical Chemistry
CLSL B-102
Apr 12, 2023   2:00 - 3:00 pm  
Randy Prince
Originating Calendar
Chemistry - Physical Chemistry Seminars

The electronic and optical properties of nanomaterials are depending on their size, shape, and local environment, demanding theoretical treatments that are distinct from those of bulk solids. I will describe the development of a theory of nonlocal electronic screening, including its application to understand the large band gap renormalization and binding energies of excitons in nanomaterials, including transition metal dichalcogenides and halide perovskites. Within the same framework, a discussion of the exciton fine structure of luminescent perovskite nanocrystals will be presented. Finally, I will describe the development of new and affordable ab initio methods in the GW/BSE framework that are applicable to large molecules and nanomaterials, obviating the need for careful model constructions. 

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