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First Year Project Presentation - Ellie Bacon, Jilai Cui, Jonathan Cerna, Chen Huang, and Urbi Saha

Event Type
Neuroscience Program
Beckman Institute 1005
Feb 7, 2023   4:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Neuroscience Program Seminars

Ellie Bacon - "Astrocytic expression of brain-derived aromatase in a model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy," Dr. Catherine Christian-Hinman, Christian-Hinman Lab

Jilai Cui - "Modeling the sensory-motor network in the octopus arms," - Dr. Rhanor Gillette, Slug City-Rhanor Gillette Lab

Jonathan Cerna - "Yoga Impacts Cognitive Health: Neurophysiological Changes and Stress-regulation Mechanisms, " Dr. Manuel Hernandez, Mobility and Fall Prevention Research Laboratory (MFPRL)

Chen Huang - "Investigation of Bi-Directional Neuronal Signaling between Brain and other Organs," Dr. Jonathan Sweedler, The Sweedler Group

Urbi Saha - "Targeted Drug Delivery to Tumor-Associated Macrophages in Glioblastoma," Dr. Andrew Smith and Dr. Ed Roy, Smith Lab and Roy Lab

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