Events of Interest to School of MCB undergraduates
Welcome to the School of Molecular & Cellular Biology. We've gathered events of possible interest to undergraduates in our school here.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Core Courses: STAT100, CHEM101 & 102, ECON 102 & 103, MATH 220/221
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
In this talk, we'll look at one professor's perspective on why students struggle in chemistry. We will chat about the differences between high school and college chemistry classes, study skills to develop moving forward, and time management.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
In this workshop, we will explore what it means to fully understand the material in a Math class and how one should study to achieve that goal. In particular, we will discuss strategies for successfully navigating large lecture courses like those in the calculus sequence as well as general strategies for succeeding in any university-level mathematics course.
Join an informational meeting hosted by The Jeffries Center Advising & Mentoring, featuring Peace Corps staff and a returned Peace Corp Volunteer! Event open to all undergraduates. Must RSVP at
Friday, March 7, 2025
Interested in pursuing graduate school? Come to the McNair Informational! Come network with current scholars to learn more about applying to graduate school, getting involved in research, and becoming a prospect McNair scholar! Food will be provided!