Jewish Studies Calendar


3 matches found

  • 1989
    • 12:00 pm    2/12/2025
    • 109 English Building (608 South Wright Street, Urbana, IL 61801)

    This account of the “laboratory of radical democracy” in the months before East Germany’s absorption in the West challenges memories of Germany’s reunification.

  • Scott Ury
    • 5:00 pm    3/5/2025
    • Illini Union, Room 210 (1401 W Green St, Urbana, IL 61801)

    Through an analysis of several key points of scholarly contention regarding the study of antisemitism, this presentation will highlight some of the central dilemmas that scholars of antisemitism face today and propose one possible avenue for the potential resolution of the intersecting interests and pressures that influence the study and understanding of antisemitism.

  • Tobias
    • 5:00 pm    4/8/2025
    • Illini Union, Room 314A (1401 W Green St, Urbana, IL 61801)

    This will be a conversation with Tobias Brinkmann about his recent book, Between Borders: The Great Jewish Migration from Eastern Europe. It tells and contextualizes the stories of Jewish migrants and refugees from Eastern and Central Europe before and after the First World War.